Saying Goodbye to the Garden
Hello wonderful human beings, has your week been as cold as mine? It is definitely beginning to feel like fall; the summer is coming to an end.
I, honestly, cannot believe it is September already. This year has been so extremely weird and has gone by fast. I am still referring to April as "last month." The other day Brandon and I were talking about our upcoming anniversary and we realized how fast time is going by, we have been married for almost 10 months. Does it feel the same for you, or is it just me?
I don't even know where this week went!
Something bitter sweet about the beginning of fall is then end of the garden. Now, not everything is sad about it. I am thankful for everything the garden has given us, and continues to do. Though most flowers have died, our veggies are still giving. I don't think we have much harvest left, aside from whats already on the plants, but it has already been a larger harvest than I was expecting.
An awesome thing about fall is cozy mornings, with warm coffee and a blanket, which make for the best mornings for reading. The cold weather also means I spend more time doing things inside of the house and not so many (if any) outside. I am not planting anything for fall purely because I don't have seeds for anything that grows on cold weather. The only things that will remain in the garden will be carrots and beets that are currently already growing. Everything else, I will let die naturally and decompose where it is.
The hopeful plan for next year is to have an even bigger garden and for that we will need healthy soil full of nutrients, so for as long as the weather permits, I will be spreading compost around the area I want to use next year.
Another thing I love about the beginning of a month, is working on a new journal spread. This month, to no one's surprise, is fall themed. As of today, I have only made the cover and will be having a day full of journal work, so follow me on Instagram if you want to see how the whole journal turns out.

I am already starting to think about what journal to use next year, so if you have a favorite journal or notebook, let me know in the comments below. I am currently using a notebook from "The Happy Planner," which I love because you can pretty much build your own notebook/journal. However, I have check their website a couple of times already and they seem to be out of the things I like, so I might need more recommendations.
I think this will be all for today. Until next week, do something that tickles your fancy, share some love, and eat your veggies.