Is Fall My favorite Season?

Hello wonderful human beings, how is your week going? Are excited for Halloween this Saturday? I am very excited because this is the first Halloween that I will get to hand out candy, carve pumpkins and decorate. Since this is in fact our first Halloween in this house, Brandon and I decided not to go crazy with the decoration. Well, he decided we weren't celebrating Halloween and I opposed the notion, so we are handing out candy and we do have a couple of decorations, but we didn't go all out.

I carved two pumpkins, which wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be and they ended up being really cute. I will take a picture of them at night and share it with you guys next week, because I haven't done that. I also haven't decided if I want to put on any type of costume while handing out candy or not. I have a couple ideas of things I can very easily do with things I already have at home, so I just have to decide whether to do it or not.

I think this last quarter of the year is always my favorite, personally because of how many special things happen in the last couple of months. Like I mentioned last week, my birthday is on October 21st, two days later on the 23rd, Brandon and I celebrate the anniversary of our first date, then on November 22, we have our wedding anniversary, and finally Christmas being my favorite holiday.

Even though this being my favorite part of the year isn't directly linked with it being fall, it definitely helps. First and foremost, pumpkin pie which is my absolute favorite and can only be found this time of the year. Also, it is the perfect combination of chilly and cozy; not too hot and not too cold. it is also a season that I have always associated with burning candles and baking, which can be done all year long but for me it just makes this season a lot more special.

This season is also when I get to do most of my writing and art, because I don't have to work on the garden, which takes a lot of time and energy. Speaking of which, if you want to see my art, make sure to follow my instagram. I have been participating on Typetober, which is creating art for a different word each day and though you can see that on my instagram, I will be sharing it here once the month is over. I have also been writing poetry, which you can find on my instagram as well.

Enough about my instagram, let me know in the comments below which one is your favorite season and why? Do you perhaps live in a country that does not have as drastic season changes as the United States?

That is all for today, so until next week, do something that makes you happy, share your love with other and do something to better the world we live on. Happy Halloween, and see you next week.


Halloween and Guatemalan Traditions


It's My Birthday