Why Have I Been Gone?

Hello beautiful humans, happy Thanksgiving. How have you been? It has been a while since the last post I made.

First I have to say, nothing is wrong. The reason why I haven't posted in the past two weeks, is because I have been really busy.

You see, two weeks ago, my little sister came to visit and she's staying for about a month. So now I have the added responsibility to take care of a child, and as fun as it has been, it is also tiring.

In the past two weeks, I also worked on a series of poems that I summited to a contest. I spent several days last week sitting in front of the computer cracking my head open to finish 20 poems.

Something very exciting that happened last weekend was celebrating our first wedding anniversary. Brandon and I had a romantic dinner at home, we ate cake made by the same person that made our wedding cake, and then we watched a movie.

Lastly, this week we had to deal with a doctor's appointment that is required for my green card. I got blood drawn and 5 shots. I don't think I have ever been pocket as much as I did on Tuesday. Both my arms are sore and I have a big bruise from a fail attempt to draw my blood.

With that said, I do apologise for being MIA the past two weeks. I hope you have a fun thanksgiving, even if it is a less traditional video call day. For those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have an awesome day.

Next week I will have a gratitude post, the there will also be a couple reflecting on the year that is about to come to an end. So be on the lookout for that. As always, I would love to hear from you. What have you been up to in the past two weeks?

Until next time, go do something that makes you happy, share your love with everyone around you, and look for the little things to be grateful about.


It is Knitting Season


Halloween and Guatemalan Traditions