Let's Plan 2021

Hello beautiful beings, how is everyone doing? Today is day three of blogmas, but in reality it should be day one. I just realized that I counted incorrectly so you guys get two extra days.

Today I want to show you guys how I am doing my journal for the beginning of 2021. These spreads are my general ones, meaning that I use them all year long instead of being updated monthly.

1. Cover page

For my cover page I decided to be a little artistic and experiment to create a mixed media piece. You can see coffee stains, pieces of news paper, a poem from by Joy Harjo, some postage pieces, and finally I wrote my own poem on the background.

2. Future log

Here I have the whole year calendar with space under each month to plan things. This way I can plan things for any time of the year and keep track of everything easily.

3. Blog post ideas

Like the name suggests, this section will be use to writing down all of my ideas for future blog posts.

4. Book tracker

One of my goals for 2021 is to read at least 53 books and here is where I will keep track of all of them and whether I like them or not. The colors on the left will be a visual representation of how close I am to the goal.

5. Goals

On this page I have 25 things I would love to accomplish before turning 26 years old.

6. Business information

On this section I am keeping information about starting my own business, which is my number one goal for 2021.

7. Period tracker

This page is for tracking my period all year long to see if there are issues or inconsistencies, and also because I am sexually active and pregnancy is always and option (and a hope) it is important for me to track my cycle.

Finally: Master to do list

This list contains all of the tasks that are the same all year long so I don't have to re write them each month. I assigned a room in the house to a day of the week to work on deep cleaning that room. The tasks colored with gold are things that I do everyday, like feeding our pets and washing dishes. You can also see the pink decorative tape that I added on the right side which is meant to help me locate the page more easily when the journal is closed.

That is all for my general spreads, I will now start working on my January spreads. Do you do any journaling or do you have another planning/tracking method?

I hope you liked this post, and until tomorrow, do something that makes you happy and don't forget to tell me about your holiday traditions.


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