No New Year's Eve Plans

Hello wonderful human beings, are you enjoying the last day of the year? Do you have any plans for today?

Brandon and I are just staying home and playing board games while eating snacks. Last year, neither one of us stayed up until midnight, and if I remember correctly we went to bed at around 9 pm. Today however, we are determined to stay up until midnight.

We are letting go of 2020 and saying hello 2021 with all of the hope our little hearts can hold. We are ready to allow change to come to our lives and make the best out of whatever 2021 has in store for us.

Today I will making cheese potatoes, popcorn and dip to eat with crackers. And we will remember the craziness of 2020 as we argue about whether or not it is worth it to have New Year's resolutions that will hardly make until February.

We will make a toast to end of what has probably been the crappiest year of our lives, and take a breath of relief because we can finally start fresh.

Please tell me I am not the only one who feels like 2020 took like 3 years. I feel like anything before August, didn't happen this year. It feels like the first half of this year was like 5 years ago.

It is so weird to think of about 2020 because I had some very low moments when I would have panic attacks just thinking about going outside, both because of the pandemic and the social unrest. And then I had amazing moments when I felt the most loved and most happiness I've ever felt. Brandon and I were truly blessed that this year wasn't as devastating as it was for other people.

It was such a rollercoaster, I don't even know how to describe it. How do you guys feel about 2020? Was it also a rollercoaster for you?

Until tomorrow, will continue to reflect on this weird year. Have responsible fun tonight, and I hope 2021 brings you the things you need out of it. I love you all and I feel beyond-words-thankful for all the support you have shown me this year!


A Letter to 2021


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