We Went to Hawaii

Hello beautiful humans, how are you doing today? It has been two weeks since the last post, and I hope you have been doing good.

As you can guess by the title, Brandon and I took a break and went to Hawaii. We only visited the island of Oahu, where we spent a week at hotel by Waikiki beach. From Sunday to Sunday, we did some amazing things!

Day One: Ocean Voyage

On Monday (which we are calling day one because we arrived on Sunday afternoon) we went to Kualoa Ranch to go on a boat ride to see turtles. I didn't realize that Brandon loved turtles so much until we took this trip, and I loved seeing his excitement and happiness when we were looking at the turtles. I didn't trust myself to have my phone out while on a boat, so I didn't take any pictures of the turtles. Also, after our voyage we had lunch at the ranch and we ate a delicious sandwich that had purple bread!

Day Two: Pearl Harbor and The Sealife Park

I don't have much to say about Pearl Harbor, aside from the fact that it made us think and reflect a lot about war and power and the essence of what makes us human and we connect with each other, how we love each other and how we treat each other.

At The Sealife Park we feed birds, looked at beautiful sea life and learned about their rescue, rehabilitation and release program. We also learned about how they have the only center for breeding sea turtles to release into the ocean to repopulate the sea with turtles. They had a lot of information about protecting the ocean from pollution and human intervention. We also saw a dolphin show that was pretty amazing.

Day Three and Five: Beach Days and the Zoo

On both days three and five we decided to relax by beach and swim in the ocean, to get tan lines and rest.

On day three we took a walk around the zoo on the afternoon, and found some animals we had never heard of or seen before.

Day Four: Polynesian Cultural Center

On day four we spent all day at a place called Polynesian Cultural Center where we learned about the history and culture of Hawaii and some of the islands that surround it. We also ate delicious Hawaiian food, and watched a gorgeous show with dancing, music and fire tricks.

Day Six: Diamond Head (last full day)

On our last full day in Hawaii, we hiked up the Diamond Head volcano crater. I only made it 3/4 of the way because I began to feel like I was going to pass out so for my own safety I decided to stop and rest while Brandon climbed the last part of it twice. Yeah, he did it twice. The view was absolutely gorgeous and thought we were exhausted at the end, it was definitely worth it.

Day Seven: One Last Swim in the Ocean and Jacuzzi Time

On the last half day at Hawaii we took it slow, wen to swim in the ocean early in the morning, swam for a couple of hours, then moved to the jacuzzi for one last relaxation time. We ate fish for lunch because we love seafood and then went to the airport.

That is all for today, but before I go here is a picture of my new haircut.

Let me know if you want a post about things I recommend doing in Hawaii, and until next time, don't forget to share your love with everyone around you and do something that makes you happy.


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