Nothing Formal

Hello wonderful human beings, how is quarantine going? It has been a long time since the last post. Life was happening and the weeks kept getting away from me, and the finally I just didn't know how to come back.

I feel like an old friend, after not talking for a while and not knowing where to start to catch up. I guess we'll begin with Walter.

On March 25 (right at the begining of quarantine) we had an early appointment at Dubuque's Regional Humane Society. Brandon and I had talked about adopting another cat so Tiny could have a friend to play with. When Covid-19 began to spread around the US, we decided to go ahead and do it before shelters where closed to public. At the time The Humane Society was already working on a appointment only basis, with one adoption taking place at a time, and we did it right on time because we haven't been out ever since.

We had met Walter before, and he was very friendly from the begining.

The week before adopting him and bringing him home, we went to Petco because we knew the smart thing to do was to stuck up on food for our other pets before quarantine began. While getting the pet food, we saw him and decided to get him. Like I said before, we had already been talking about it and knowing that quarantine would start any day, we got in contact with the Humane Society and got the soonest appointment we could.

He has been with us for three weeks now!

So quarantine has been going on for three weeks now, staying home has gone from choice to requirement. My personal routine hasn't changed, and since Brandon is an essential worker his hasn't either. It is on his days off that we have had to find ways to entertain ourselves, especially because we can no longer do our weekly going-to-town date. Not to worry, we have been playing a lot of Minecraft.

If you are wondering what I have been working on, wonder no more.

I have also been trying new recipes and baking quite a lot!

That pretty much sums up the last three weeks, what have you been doing?

I promise not to abandon you again, I'll keep in touch. Until next week, go love yourself, stay home and safe, and don't forget to be happy!


Pizza Pockets and BuzzFeed Quizes


Doing Too Much and Not Getting Anything Done