Pizza Pockets and BuzzFeed Quizes
Hello wonderful human beings, are you still quarantined? I am, then again my life didn't change that much. Anyhow, it is being processed differently by every person, so I will take this time to remind you that there is nothing wrong with asking for help, this will pass and the feelings/emotions you are feeling as a result of quarantine will pass too. Do not be harsh on yourself, good times will soon be back. It is okay to have and feel emotions, everyone has them, so don't feel like there is anything wrong with you.
Back to the actual blog post topic; pizza pockets and Buzzfeed quizzes.
Today for supper I made what has become one of Brandon's favorite meals: pizza pockets. I made the mistake of trying a recipe that is slightly different from the one I always do and I was a little disappointed, Brandon didn't complain (he never has, not even when I force him to eat veggies) but I could tell he wasn't as happy as he when eating the original pizza pockets.
They are very simple to make, all you need is
- pizza dough (I buy pizza dough mix and all I do is add water),
- 1lb ground meat (we use beef but the recipe on the book were I first saw it called for ground turkey),
- half a yellow onion chopped,
- olive oil to sauté the onions,
- 1/2 cup of Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tbs of chilli powder
- 1 tbs of ground curry
- 1 tbs tumeric powder
- 1 cup of pizza sauce.
- mozzarella cheese (mine is fake cheese but still delisious).
Start by sautéing the onions in the olive oil. Add the meat and cook it. Then add the sauce and spices. Leave it aside to cool down–don't skip this step.
Turn your oven to 350ºF to preheat while you prepare the pizza dough. If you are awesome you make your own pizza dough, but I don't. And you are still awesome if you don't. Let me know if you know how to make your own pizza dough. Roll it out to a 1 inch thinkness and cut in rectangles.
Once the the meat is cold add some to half of you dough rectangles, add mozzarella cheese on top, fold the other half over, use a fork to press the edges and to poke little holes on top to let the steam out. After that you bake them for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. That's it, ready to enjoy. If you make them, let me know what you think and if you change anything!
Now to the Buzzfeed quizzes
I was watching Jess and Gabriel Conte on Youtube, they were answering some BuzzFeed quizzes and that is how I got this idea. They answered quizzes that were part of an article titled "Sorry but if these 18 quizzes don't save your love life, nothing will" which Buzzfeed posted last year. Now, you guys know these quizzes are only for fun, they don't actually have anything to do with real love advise and I actually posted about that topic already, you can click here to read it.
I have decided to choose one random quiz, answer the questions and talk about them. We'll see if my marriage is doomed or successful according to BuzzFeed.

I originally chose quiz number 9, because 9 is my favorite number and it seems to fit my current love situation better than the other options, but the quiz was no longer available so I chose #13 instead, 15 questions to reveal when I am getting married. Click here to see the quiz.
- question 1: Do I need a realtionship woth strong physical chemsitry? I am going to say neutral because physical qumistry is important but not the most important aspect, for me.
- question 2: Am I willing to compromise for the other person's happiness? Yes, as long as it doesn't go against my values or the core of who I am. I will say sgree.
- question 3: Do I want to be with someone who is very similar to myself? I will say somewhere between neutral and disagree because I don't a copy of myself. Brandon and I are similar in the fact that we are both introverts and we are both catholics, but that is it. We have different hobbies and interests.
- question 4: Do public displays of affection bother me? Well, it depends on what the display is. It does not bother me to see couples hugging, holding hands or even give each other a kiss, but making out or anything further would make me very uncortable. So I will say they somewhat bother me.
- question 5: Do I end the relationship if they don't get along with my best freind? Depends on why they don't get along, I trust Haley with my life and if she were to tell me that Brandon is not a nice human I would believe her and end the realtionsship. I will say yes, and this one I sadly learned the bad way.
- question 6: Do I want to be in a realtiosnhip the is spontaneous and exciting? As long as it fits with in my routine, sure. Don't suddlendly decide to shake the world too much because it gives me anxiety. I am a planner, ask Brandon, I have a daily schedule and all I do is be at home. But I know when I am waking up, when I am showering, when I eat, when to make the bed and such. Yes, I also have future plans, I am like that because it gives me a sense of structure which lowers my anxiety. I will disagree, I don't want spontanous.
- question 7: Do I prefere to be the little spoon? yes, I'm short, what else is there to say.
- question 8: Do I refuse to go to bed angry? Yes, I would rather talk about it or forget it for that matter than prolonge my anger by going to bed and waking up angry.
- question 9: Do I want to be with someone silly? Yes, 100% yes.
- question 10: Is a good personality better than money and good looks? Yes. I do have to say that physical attraction is part of a relationship, can you really be with someone you think is ugly? If you love someone, don't you also love the way they look/love them how they are, and therefore are attracted to them? Brandon is extremely handsome so no issue there.
- question 11: Do I want to be with someone who texts back quickly? Neutral, doesn't really matter. I obviusly don't want them to take weeks to reply, but I don't care if it isn't within seconds.
- question 12: Am I very trusting in relationships? I will say agree, because I do trust Brandon, though I often have a hard time trusting people.
- question 13: Do I want someone who knows my coffee order and phone number by heart? Doesn't really matter honestly, I would rather ave someone who remembers my food allergies and what color I hate. For context, Brandon ate all of the orange popsicles because he knows I hate that color and accidentally grabbing an orange one would actually make me sad. Also, he does know I drink a caramel macciato with soy milk.
- question 14: Do I like romantic things like flowers and chocolate? Yes, I do.
- question 15: Last question. Am I usually the first person to say I love you? Yes.
And the result is....

Have you guys ever done any of this quizzes? If so, let me know which ones. This was fun, but like I said this result does not mean I married the wrong person at the wrong time, or in any way means my marriage is going to fail. If you do take any of these quizzes, don't take them too serously.
That is all for today
I hope you enjoyed this post! If you did, please let me know and if you didn't let me know as well. I love you all, until next week don't forget to do something that makes you extremely happy and go love others.