Garden, Flowers and Little Insect Friends.

Hello wonderful human being of this lovely world, have you planted any flowers lately?

I have been working on planting some flowers around our garden, and I still have a few more to go. I also have a lemon boy tomato plant and some cucumbers.

Though I have dreams of a big vegetable and flower garden, I've decided to start small since this year will be the first time I have a garden. I have done plenty research and I am keeping record of what works and what doesn't, so with the years I will be improving on my gardening.

I have been spending a lot of time outside enjoying the nice weather, listening to the birds, and observing insects. I am enjoying seeing the garden grow as a whole ecosystem, and noticing all of the little things that change as the weather changes.

Can you see the little spiders?

A little bunny has been spotted around the garden in the early morning, so Brandon has the task of being extra careful when mowing the loan to make sure he doesn't run over any rabbit nests.

The cats have also decided to venture outside, though Walter isn't really allowed because of his bad habit of eating flowers. Tiny has been trying to push the door whenever she sees me outside, so she has been my companion while enjoying the sunny days.

I will try to direct sow a couple of herbs to see if they grow, so wish me luck! And that is it for today, I hope you are enjoying the begining of summer, let me know in the comments below what flowers/vegetables you have on your garden, and if you happen to see Brandon tomorrow, wish him a happy birthday because he's turning 25.


A Peaceful Day in the Garden


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