Picking Flowers, herbs, and Journaling

Hello wonderful human beings, how have you been? Are you still quarantined? We are not anymore, but you know I'm a home buddy so here I am, permanently self quarantining.

Anyhow, today has been a late start of the day. I just woke up, at 9 am. Last night I had a stomachache, probably because I had pumpkin spiced flavoured coffee and there is a chance it contained milk. Yes, I know it's the middle of summer, I don't care, I love pumpkin spice latte. The point is, my stomach hurt and I wasn't able to fall asleep until about 2 am, so I stayed in bed sleeping late.

Guys, my sleep deprivation is not what I want to talk about today. The blog has now 50 subscribers, who by the way are complete strangers to me. Guys, thank you, seriously you make my heart happy. You guys love my blog so much you have decided to submit your email and directly get my posts, and I now have happy tears on my eyes.

You know what else makes me happy? The garden. I hope you aren't yet tired of me talking about the garden, because this is probably not the last time I will talk about it.

Today I picked a handful of snapdragons, this is the third time this season that I have picked snapdragons from the garden. They are so pretty and they grow so fast, it is definitely a flower that I will be permanently adding to our garden.

Also, last night I picked a handful of basil and made a little bundle to hang it and let it dry. The plant still has a lot of basil, so I still can pick it fresh if I want it, but I want to learn how to conserve it so it doesn't go to waste and we can have even after the growing season is over.

Let me know in the comments what do you do with your herbs, or even with your vegetables, to preserve them. I would love to learn new ways of using the things I've grown on my garden.

Send me your favorite veggie recipes so I can write them on my journal! Is that a good transition? I don't don't know how to go from garden to journal, but it has to be done and it is already been done.

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but my journal is my life. Everything is here, not just written entries about my day or my ideas, but also, as of this month, a bullet journal. In here I also have my drawings and some art. So, yeah I love my journal.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you the bullet journal layouts that I created this month and next week (hopefully) I will have August as well. I am going to try and make them printables so you guys can print them and use them yourself, so let me know if that is something you would be interested on having.

I really like how this layout turned out, but I will change it next month because I did not have enough space for all of the chores that need to be done at home, and also I think I want to track it in a more daily/weekly/monthly manner.

Yes, I have a schedule. It helps me stay focused and it gives me structure which is something that I really miss from school.

This one is probably my favorite one because the veggies turned out so cute, but mostly because it helps focus on all of the beautiful things in my life, especially now that there's so many negative things happening around the world.

Lastly, how do I feel today? As you can see, there are many options to describe how I feel each days instead of just good vs bad, because I am human and humans feel more than just good or bad. Also, tracking all of these things help understand how and I feel certain ways.

This month, because it is the first time that I have bullet journaled, I went with just four layouts and they are relatively simple but I am enjoying them, and they are helping me be more present on each day.

Do you guys have a journal? If so what's on it? Do you write on it everyday, is it a bullet journal, or maybe an art journal? All of the above? None? Let me know.

That is all for today, once again I am extremely thankful to each one of you awesome blog readers! Until next week, don't forget to be happy, spread love to everyone around you, and go be awesome.

A bonus cat video because why not?


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