Lest Talk About the First Harvest, a Little Twinkle of Light, and One of My Very Best Friends

Hello wonderful human beings, how have you been? Did you know that Google already predicts that whole sentence as soon as I write "hello"? Isn't that pretty cool? I say hello and Google is like "are you saying hello to some wonderful human beings?" And guess what? Yes, I am. All of you, you are wonderful.

Now, let's talk about the harvest.

I hope you are as excited as I am! The very first veggie we picked was a pickling cucumber. I picked of the vine on Sunday, it isn't as big as it could get but all of the research I've done suggest they get picked on the smaller size rather than fully growing it. Anyhow, I'm not an expert so I always recommend you do your research.

Then, last night, I picked up a couple of tomatoes. Now, if you follow me on Instagram, you already know that this tomatoes are fully ripen yet. So why did I pick them up? Well, I have noticed an increase in the amount of bugs surrounding the plant, and some birds that have been picking at them. I did have to pick a tomato that is far from being ready because it already had a damaged area; it had to go before it became a bug's feast.

As you can see, this guys are already turning red and will be ready to eat in no time.

Damaged lemon boy tomato.

I think I need to refill my coffee. Do you drink coffee? Or tea? I love both of them. Coffee keeps me awake, tea puts me to sleep.

Let's talk about little glimpses of light.

Being an artist isn't easy, being an writer is also hard. It is a lot of work that doesn't see reward immediately. For me it's a little harder, because I still have to wait for my work permit from USCIS, before I can make this *waves hands at everything around me* into a full time job.

Sometimes it is hard to stay motivated. However, a couple of days ago someone sent me a message on instagram. They wanted to let me know that had recently began following my work and seeing my work made their day a little happier.

It wasn't much, but it a was a nice reminder that there is importance to what I do, even if there is no monetary income from it. That was my little light in the middle of these weird unpredictable times.

Now, to pay it forward:

Let's talk about one of my very best friends.

I have a beautiful friend, Jaren, she is also a writer but she loves other art forms. She recently started a YouTube channel for her singing, believe me you are in for a treat! So click here and go check her out!

That's all for this week!

What do you guys think of the headings? Should I use them more often?

Anyhow guys, that's all for today. Have an awesome rest of the day, be wonderfully happy and go around spreading love!


A long long walk and magical visitors.


Picking Flowers, herbs, and Journaling