A Quiet Morning in December

Good morning wonderful beautiful humans, how are you today? Can you believe Christmas is in a week? This year has gone by so fast!

Today I am a little sad because my little sister is leaving in two days. Part of me wants to wake her up so we can spend as much time together as possible but the other part of me just wants to let her sleep.

I myself am tired because of last minute Christmas shopping, also I somehow managed to hurt my right shoulder and can barely move it.

Anyhow, today is going to be a day of packing, organizing and doing laundry, to make sure little sis doesn't forget anything. I am so glad she was able to, her beautiful personality brought a lot of light and happiness in to our home.

I could probably spend a lot more time telling you how sad I am that she is leaving, and how much I will miss her, but I am already starting to tear up so I won't.

Tomorrow we can talk about books or cookies or something else, but today I need to slow down and just be in the day.

Until tomorrow, I hope you have an awesome day, and do something that makes you happy.


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