Having a Cozy Day

Hello wonderful humans, are you ready for the new year?

I am sorry I didn't post the past two days, I was resting and taking it slow, to enjoy the time with family, and start reflecting on what 2020 was and what I want out of 2021.

Today, Brandon and I are spending a cozy day at home with a movie marathon. We are trying to decide between Star Wars and Lord of The Rings, but first Brandon takes a nap while I finish this post.

Today we are supposed to get a little bit of snow and it is chilly outside, so it is the perfect day for blankets and movies.

Do you have a favorite movie? Mine is "The Grinch", or "The Princess Bride." Those are my go-to movies when I am having a bad day. What are yours?

Blogmas will soon come to an end, after that I will go back to the weekly posts so be sure to let me know what type of posts you would like to see.

Until tomorrow, have a nice day. Stay warm and cozy, and don't forget to share your love with everyone around you.


My Favorite Memories from 2020


Trying to Surprise Myself All Year Long