My Favorite Memories from 2020

Hello wonderful human beings, how are you on this lovely Monday?

The year is coming to an end, and so my reflecting has begun. It was definitely a strange and unexpected year, full of obstacles. So today I am bringing you my top ten favorite memories from 2020.

#1: Celebrating our one year anniversary.

Getting through a whole year being married in a year like 2020 was full of challenges, but also amazing beautiful wonderful moments. We had a lot of fun celebrating that day, and is you want to read more about it, I have another blog post dedicated to this day.

#2: Having my little sister over

If you have been reading my resent posts, you know my little sister came to visit and stayed with us for a month. We did a lot of fun activities, my favorite day was playing in the snow and making a snow man. Her coming over brought so much happiness and love to our home. I am incredibly thankful that she was able to come.

#3: Adopting Walter

We adopted Walter back in March, right before quarantine began. We knew we wanted a second cat and after meeting Walter at the Petco we usually go to, we decided on the spot to adopt him. He was a rescue from the Humane Society and had been in the shelter for several months. He recently turned four years old, and though sometimes he can be annoying, I would not change him for anything.

#5: Starting a garden

Starting a garden was one of the most rewarding things I did this year. Taking care of plants brought me a lot of peace and happiness when it felt like the world was a chaos. It taught me about patience, hope and gratitude. Not to mention, it gave us delicious veggies to eat fresh from our back yard.

#6: Game nights

Around my birthday, Brandon and I began having game nights instead of watching TV after supper. He taught me how to play Pokemon and chess, and though I barely win, it is always a lot of fun.

#7: Movie date nights

Having dates on the middle of a pandemic is not easy, so we established date nights with our favorite snacks and movie marathons. Even though it wasn't anything extraordinary, preparing for that night and having some time without phones, was always nice. It became something to look forward in moments when I was truly struggling with my mental illness.

#8: Going on walks

All summer long, going on walks was our preferred activity. Most of the time it was an excuse to play Pokemon go, but it got us out of the house and moving.

#9: Planning and taking part in my best friend's wedding

Planning a wedding (and even just helping with the planning) was not easy. There was so much covid-related stressed, but getting to see your best friend get married is an unforgettable and beautiful moment.

#10: Reading while drinking tea

I don't think this one needs much explaining but, in the words of the great C.S. Lewis "You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."

That is all for today. Until tomorrow, let me know what are your favorite 2020 memories.


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