Deep Cleaning Before 2021

Hello wonderful human beings, how are you doing? I am currently enjoying a large cup of coffee thanks to Brandon's awesome godmother, who gifted me some coffee. I need all the energy I can get.

Yesterday I was very busy deep cleaning the kitchen and I am not done yet, so today will probably be a busy day as well.

I deep clean the house every couple of months, which Brandon thinks is annoying because things get moved around, and everything returns to it's intended place.

Cleaning is a boring task while it is being done but it is very satisfying once it is done, and after having my little sister here for a month, there is a lot that needs to go back to it's intended place. And we need to find a place for all of the awesome gifts we got for Christmas.

For some reason I have been having a lot of static electricity, so everytime I walk around the living room I get shocked by everything I touch. I just tried to pet Tiny and she was not happy about being shocked.

Anyway, that is going to be all for today. I will go clean the rest of the house. Until tomorrow, don't forget to do something that makes you happy, and share your love with everyone around you.


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