Five Years Later and I am Still Here

Hello wonderful human beings, how are you feeling today? I am doing good. I am really excited because the weather is getting warmer, even though this is a little gloomy with lots of rain, it is now nice enough to go outside and work on the garden.

I already started most of my seedlings and it makes me really happy to watch them as they grow.

This year I am growing a lot more veggies than last year and I am also trying to grow flowers. I will be updated you guys on how the garden goes once there is something to look at because right now it is still empty.

But enough about the garden, what I really want to talk about is the blog's anniversary.

5 years ago I started this blog. Sometimes it is crazy to think about how long it has been since I dropped out of nursing school and began referring to myself as a writer.

It has been a wild ride, and at times I have wanted to quit. At times even now I wonder "what's the point?" "This blog doesn't give me any money, why do I do it?" Well, for one I don't have a work permit so nothing gives me money, might as well do something I love. And yes, I love writing this blog.

I started the blog because some of writers that I followed on social media recommended that beginner or upcoming writers (and artists in general) have something that is free that gets them out there so people get to see their work without having to commit to paying.

So that's why the blog was started, to get my work out there. I posted for two years before I had any readers outside of my grandparents (to whom I own the bravery of starting this blog). I was writing everyday or almost everyday and getting little readership and no following. It was discouraging at times but I kept going because I told myself that one becomes famous in a day.

After posting every day for about a year or so, I was forced to stop and didn't post for a while. At this point I was already living in Iowa, USA getting a writing degree and I had little to no time to keep up with writing everyday. I didn't post anything I think for a whole semester. Then on the summer of 2018 I decided to write on a weekly basis and focus more on creating a community and sharing my life, instead of writing towards the goal of being popular.

In 2019, I began including some art as well, which I haven't really done lately because I haven't been creating much outside of my journal. That year, we also had the big glitch and we lost most of the blog post, which is why if you go back to older posts there aren't any before that point. Sad.

Last year, is when most you actually began following. I think the gardening posts attracted the most people but the majority of you have stayed even after the garden is done with, so thank you for that. And if you came here because of the garden, this is your lucky day because the garden posts are coming back!

So if you have read through all of this and are wondering why I am sharing it, it is to tell you never to give up. Dreams take time and work to come true, so don't be discouraged if it's taking longer than you expected. Also, let me know in the comments down below, what is your dream and give me your social media so that I can check your work out (maybe give you a shout-out).

This week I had an awesome experience with someone I admire.

Wendi Horvat is an illustrator who mostly works with watercolors. She is such a sweet and wonderful human being, with whom I had the chance to interact this week. I first knew of her because of one of her watercoloring classes at Skillshare and I have taken every single one of her classes since. I started following her on instagram and she followed me back, which made me jump of excitement.

So a couple of days ago I posted my April cover page for my journal and she commented on it, then sent me a message to let me know that my art work had inspired her to do some sketches and drawings of her own.

So, yeah I'm happy and proud of myself. And that is another proof that you should never give up on your dreams. Little by little you will accomplish things, and you will reach your goals if you keep working at it.

I think that is enough for today, I have a lot of things to do at home and I am hungry. So, until next week, don't forget to share your love with everyone around you, and do something that makes you happy. Let me know about your dreams and goals on the comments below, and thank you so much for following my journey and reading my blog. You guys are amazing!


A New Month


My Mom is Here, and I am a Huge Nerd!