Food, Journal, and Gardening

Hello wonderful human beings, how are you doing today? I am really tired.

You see, this week I started a new job. I can't say much more than, I am a babysitter. It is a fun job, I take care of a really sweet child, but it requires a lot of energy.

On other news, Brandon and his dad have been working on landscaping a hill on our backyard.

We'll use that area to plant flowers, and maybe some of the vegetables. I haven't decided yet because I am not done planning and executing the rest of the garden. All I know is that it will be bigger than last year's.

On a sad note, I have learned that lettuce plants don't like growing inside or I'm just not good at it. On a good note, my tomatoes are looking great, and so are my beans. Sadly, the last couple of days have been freezing so I haven't had the opportunity to work outside.

What I have had, is the opportunity to cook, and last week I made Jocón, which is a Guatemalan dish.

I didn't make this from scratch because I don't know how to, but I had a very handy spice mix that did all of the hard work for me. The important thing is that Brandon loved it and so did I. There are other recipes that I want to try and will let you know how it goes.

Something that is going and coming to an end is my current journal. I am on the very last pages, and for that I recorded a video going through it.

It is bitter sweet to finish a journal and start a new one.

And I think that is all for today but before this ends, here are some pictures of cute pets.

Until next time, don't forget to do something that makes you happy and share your love with everyone around you.


Planting the Garden, Starting May, and Reading as Much as I Can


The Garden, The Permit and The Vaccine