Planting the Garden, Starting May, and Reading as Much as I Can

Hello wonderful human beings, how have you been? I have been really busy.

The weather has been so nice lately that I have been spending a lot of time outside, almost to a fault. Yesterday I had a migraine and still just wanted to be outside in the garden instead of inside.

Right now is a very exciting time for the garden because everything is starting to grow. I love seeing little plants grow from seed into fully fleshed vegetables. Our garden is now fully planted, some are plants we bought already somewhat grown, and some are plants that I have grown from seed. This year I want learn how to save seeds so next year I can try to grow everything from seed.

We also have a little bunny that comes to visit

Can you believe we are already in the middle of May! It is almost Brandon's birthday, and this week I will be baking him an apple pie from scratch. I've only ever done that once and the crust wasn't as good, so hopefully this time I can nail it. Not like on the TV show though, that would be a disaster.

On other news, today I have a job interview for a position at the public library. I am nervous and excited because the job is perfect for me, and I really want it. So wish me luck and I will keep you posted on what happens.

As always, this month I also prepared my journal and planner, and the theme I chose was patterns. I really like how it is looking so far, but it is taking longer than I expected, so I am doing two weeks at a time instead of all of it at once.

This cover design took a couple of days to be completed.

Doing this pattern was relaxing but it took several hours to be completed.

Last but not least, I had to commemorate the day when I first started writing on the journal.

I haven't decided what pattern I am going to use for the next two weeks, so feel free to leave any ideas down below.

This week I am also doing a read-athon (reading marathon) and reading as much as possible everyday. So far I am on the second book, I finished "Love and Gelato" by Jenna Evans Welch on Tuesday and started "The Shinning" by Stephen King yesterday. I didn't read as much yesterday because I had a migraine, so we'll see how much I can read today once I am done with house chores.

How much can you guys read on a week? Let me know on the comments below. And with that I say goodbye, until next time don't forget to share your love with everyone around you and do something that makes you happy.


Let's Talk About The Garden and All The Creatures That Live Here


Food, Journal, and Gardening