Let's Talk About The Last Two Weeks

Hello wonderful human beings, how have you been? Today is July 1st, which means we have made it halfway. Even though according to Brandon we haven't yet reached the actual halfway point because the first six months of the year have less days than the days in the second six months.

Anyhow, I want to start by apologizing for the abrupt ending on the last post. While I was working on it I received the news that my grandfather was in the hospital, he passed away early morning on Friday, June 25 2021.

It has been a rough couple of weeks, but I am doing good. Brandon has been a great support, and I have been relying on my journal more than ever.

Being outdoors has brought me a lot of peace and has given me the opportunity to process my feelings and think things through.

I have been doing a lot more journaling than actual responsibilities, and if it wasn't for Brandon we would have starved because he has been in charge of food in the past week.

He has also been constantly checking up on me to make sure I'm doing okay, and spending as much time as possible with me.

In the past week I have been overwhelmed by the amount of love and support from everyone around me. Brandon's family has been a great source of support, and I am truly thankful for everyone who has checked up on me, prayed for my family and/or have sent their condolences. It has not been an easy time for me, but it has been made easy by everyone's love.

This is all I have for today. Until next time, don't forget to share your love with everyone around you, and do something that makes you happy!


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A Short and Abruptly Ended Post