Am I a Business Owner Now?

Hello wonderful human beings, how are you doing today? How have you been? I'm doing good.

After a lot of research, thoughts and discussions, I have decided to file the paperwork for a sales tax permit. Which means, as of yesterday I can actually make a business out of my art.

This is very exciting but also slightly nerve wracking. I do not plan on leaving my babysitting job anytime soon, not only because I enjoy that job, but also because art won't be a full time job for now.

In the next couple of weeks I will be setting a store section to this website, and I will begin to post some pieces. I do have some paintings that are ready but most things still need to be finished.

I am afraid there is a lot of work ahead of me, and this is all for today. Until next week, don't forget to share your love with everyone around you, and do something that makes you happy!


Thunders and Tomatoes


Let's Talk About The Last Two Weeks