Where Have I Been?

Hello wonderful human beings, how have you been? It has been a few weeks since I have posted a blog, and it is because I have been really busy.

I am currently preparing for an arts and crafts show that is in two weeks, and I have a lot of things to create.

I have also been very busy with the garden, just today I picked over a pound of cherry tomatoes. Brandon and I want to learn how to can and preserve our own food, so we have a lot of work ahead of us.

Brandon and I also redecorated and rearranged our living room and kitchen.

Over all I have been very busy working on building a business, being a wife, still babysitting, and taking care of myself. I hope you can understand why the blog post might not be happening as frequently as they used to.

That will be all for today, until next time, make sure to share your love with everyone around you and don't forget to do something that makes you happy!


My Art is Moving Forward


Thunders and Tomatoes