Creating a New Daily Routine

Hello beautiful humans, how are you doing today? I am doing good, though I'm a little tired. For the past week I have been trying a new daily routine to be more organized with my day.

The routine has been great for getting things done. My house has never been as clean as it has been this past week, and everyday I am getting so many things done, but... Yes, there is a but, I am always exhausted.

Each day has been getting harder and harder to get through, and after just one week I can't do it anymore. So, what was my routine?

  • 6:00 am- wake up
  • 6:30 am- breakfast and coffee
  • 7:00 am- journal
  • 7:30 am- workout
  • 8:00 am- yoga
  • 8:30 am- shower+ get ready
  • 9:00 am- snack+ begin house chores
  • 9 to 11 am- chores
  • 11:00 am-lunch
  • 11:30 to 12:00 pm- break
  • 12:30 to 1:30 pm- read
  • 1:30 to 3:30 pm- work
  • 3:30 pm- snack + finish chores until Brandon comes home
  • 5:30 pm- start supper
  • 6:00 to 7:00 pm- eat

As you can see, almost every hour of my day has been assigned to something, and I did that because I realized that I need that kind of structure to plan my day. Alongside having this written in my journal, I also have alarms on my phone that let me know when it is time to move to the next task or activity.

I have come to the realization that it is impossible to keep up with house chores and run a business at the same time, without burning myself to the ground because both of them are full time jobs.

There are things I definitely like about this routine but others that will have to change because, in all honesty, I don't want a routine that is going to leave me not wanting to get up in the morning.

I think it is great to have a routine that helps me be productive, but it is not great to have a routine that is so demanding it makes me dread my own life. So in the next couple of days I will be coming up with another routine to try out. I'll let you know how that goes.

Until next time, do you have a daily routine? What things do you consider important parts of your routine or things you must do every day?

Don't forget to do something that makes you happy and share your love with everyone around you!

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A Small reflection on the People Who Have Made Me the Writer I am


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