And Then We Were One

Hello wonderful human beings, how have you been? It feels like it has been forever since my last post, even tho it was just a week ago. I have so many ideas to write about, I am having difficulties deciding which ones to write about first! Anyhow, I believe this is the one most people have been asking me about!

We got married, not you and me, Brandon and I–obviously. November 22, 2019 for those of you who didn't know. After two years of dating we tied the knot, and I am here to tell you all about it!

It was a small gathering

we decided to go for a small church wedding with our close friends and family, followed by dinner. We had less than a hundred guests in total, everyone there was someone we wanted there. I am very glad we did it this way because it allowed us to have an intimate celebration, we was able to spend time with each guest and truly enjoy their company.

We did it ourselves

Everything we could do ourselves, was done by ourselves–in reality "ourselves" was 90% my mother in law. I was able to choose and personalize everything, not to mention you can save money too. It is especially enjoyable if you like diy projects and crafts. There was a lot of glitter to clean afterwards, but it was fun to spread it around.

A cake I could eat

I was very fortunate to find someone who could bake a dairy-free cake I was able to eat. We went for a small cake and cupcakes instead of a bigger cake because no one likes leftover cake....Correction, I don't like leftover cake, Brandon ate all of the cupcakes!

And some pictures to end the post

I hop you enjoyed this post, let me know how your year is going! Until next week, go be amazing and share your love to the world!


Q&A About My Job


Welcome 2020!