Lots of Information for the Weeks to Come

Hello wonderful human beings, how are today? I am currently typing with only one hand because I currently also doing my nails. Don't ask me why, but for some reason I decided to do my nails and type this post at the same time. I suppose it is better than just staring at my nails as they dry.

Today I have a lot of things to do, which include but aren't limited to doing my nails, washing dishes and cleaning the living room.

I keep finding Tiny sitting in the kitchen table looking like she's the Queen of England. She had never done this before and now she's just there, acting like she's always been sitting on the table. I swear our cats have been acting so weird lately. Hopefully next week they act like the good cats I know they are, and not like the demons that I also know they can be.

Speaking of next week, there will be no blog post next week because Brandon and I will be taking a small vacation, so no blog only relaxation.

Next week is also the beginning of March, can you believe it? Three months already.

During March I will be participating in a little Instagram challenge to make drawing/doodle every day. At the end of the month I will make a big post here including all of the drawings of the month (like I did last October), but if you want to see the progress every day, follow me on Instagram.

I don't really have much to say today. I have been really busy this week, but I have also been journaling a lot. On Tuesday I woke up thinking it was Saturday and I decided to spend the morning watercoloring, which turned into a whole day of just relaxing and journaling.

I have a bittersweet feeling of happiness, nervousness and sadness, to realize that I only have about twenty pages left on this journal and they will probably be filled out on our trip next week.

I know you are dying to know where we are going/doing next week but that will kept a secret and you can know all about it in two weeks. I will make sure to add pictures and tell you all about it.

That is all for today, and until next time, go do something that makes you happy, and don't forget to spread your love with everyone around you.

Bonus: my nails are dry now.


Let's Talk About Women's Day


Making Books and Celebrating Valentine's Day